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Boy Scout Troop 66
(Hagerstown, Maryland)
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Questions For Boards of Review Be Prepared...

Possible Questions from the Board of Review:

The Board of Review is NOT a retest; the Scout has already been tested on the skills and activities required for the rank. However, the chairman of the Board of Review should ensure that all the requirements have been "signed off" in the Scout's handbook. Additionally, the chairman should ensure that leadership and merit badge records are consistent with the requirements for the rank.
The Board of Review is an opportunity to review of the Scout's attitudes, accomplishments and his acceptance of Scouting's ideals. For all ranks (except Eagle) and Eagle Palms, the Board of Review consists of three to six members of the Troop Committee. Relatives or guardians may not serve as members of a Scout's Board of Review. Unit leaders (Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmasters, etc.) should not participate in a Board of Review, unless absolutely necessary.

The Troop 66 Scout should expect the following at every Board Of Review:

1. The Scout should be in full uniform, and be prepared to discuss its various parts.
2. He should come to attention, and be able to recite and define the following:
3. The 12 Points of the Scout Law, The Scout Oath, The Scout Motto, The Scout Slogan, and The Outdoor Code.

Some questions which might be asked in a Board of Review for Tenderfoot
1. What is the "Buddy System" that we use in Scouting? When do we use it?
2. What does it mean to "Be Prepared"?
3. What "good turn" have you done today?
4. What do you think about your troop?
5. Tell us about your last Troop campout
Which is the hardest of the 12 points of the Scout Law for you to live up to? Which is the easiest?
7. If you could be "King Scout" for a Day what would you change in the troop to make it better?
8. Can you tell us about the purple patch on your uniform?
9. Who is your favorite older Scout? Why?
When do you plan to have the requirements completed for 2nd Class?

Some questions which might be asked in a Board of Review for Second Class
1. How is your Patrol working out? Are you active in the things they do together?
2. Tell us about a service project in which you participated.
3. Where did you go on your last Troop campout? Did you have a good time? Why?
4. What is in your personal first aid kit?
5. Can you tell us who Baden Powell was?
6. Do youlike learning Socut skills? Which is your most favorite? How about least favorite? Why?
7. Have you ever done more than one "good turn" in a day?
8. Did you attend summer camp with our Troop last summer? If "Yes": What was your best (worst) experience at summer camp? If "No": Why not?
9. What does it mean to say, "A Scout is Trustworthy"?
10.When do you expect to complete the requirements for 1st Class?

Some questions which might be asked in a Board of Review for First Class
1. What leadership role do you feel you are best suited for in our troop??
2. What is the Scout Slogan? What does it mean for a 1st Class Scout?
3. Tell us about your last campout with the Troop. Where did you go? How did you help with meal preparation? Did you have a good time? (If "No", why not?)
4. If you were in charge of planning and preparing a dinner for your next campout, what would you select?
5. What does it mean to say, "A Scout is Courteous"?
6. Why are merit badges a part of Scouting?
7. How does a Scout fulfill his "Duty to Country"?
8. How do you define "Scout Spirit"?
9. What is the Order of the Arrow? What is the primary function of OA?
10. When do you think you might be ready for Star Scout?

Some questions which might be asked in a Board of Review for Star
1. How many Troop outings have you attended in the last three months?
2. Tell us about the last service project in which you participated.
3. What does it mean for a Star Scout to "Be Prepared" on a daily basis?
4. How have the Scout skills that you have learned helped you in a non-Scouting activity?
5. How many merit badges have you earned? What was the most difficult (fun, challenging, expensive, etc.)?
6. What leadership positions have you held outside of your patrol? What challenges did they present? What are your personal leadership goals and objectives?
7. How would you get a Scout to do an unpleasant task?
How are the Scout Oath and Law part of your daily life?
9. What responsibilities do you have at home?
10. When do you plan on achieving the Life rank?

Some questions which might be asked in a Board of Review for Life
1. How has Scouting prepared you for the future?
2. What has been your worst camping experience in Scouting?
3. Have any of the merit badges you have earned lead to hobbies or possible careers?
4. What are your hobbies? What do you like to do in your spare time?
5. Of the merit badges you have earned, which one do you think will be of greatest value to you as an adult? Why?
6. Why do you think that the three "Citizenship" merit badges are required for the Eagle Rank?
7. What is your current (most recent) leadership position within the Troop? How long have you held that position? What particular challenges does it present? What is Leadership to you?
8. Why do you think that Star and Life Scouts are required to contribute so much time to service projects? What service projects are most rewarding to you? Why?
9. Why do you think that a Board of Review is required for rank advancement?
10. Have you begun to think about an Eagle Service Project? What are you thinking about doing?